#21 - Starting my mini-book "Stay Efficient"

Good Afternoon Everyone!

This is Calvin again, and I wanted to give you all updates on the project that I am working on. In order to get some content flowing into my website, I’ve decided to start smaller and create a series of small books to help learners in several subjects. My first book series is going to be called The Stay Series and It’s going to have a variety of different topics that I will be looking at. 

The first book in the mini-series is going to be called “Stay Efficient” and I am going to want to help computer users with my main five part strategy set to help them reach peak productivity. I think there’s a lot of information and everyone either gets overwhelmed or forgets what they learned. So I think having a versatile set of small principles that go a long was is effective. You can think of this as a kit for whenever you need to get work done on a computer.

How am I going to do this? Well I’ve already started and I’m almost done with my first rough, rough, rough draft. I say rough because I’m still weighing out options and still generating artwork. I’m going to continue to post my results here on the website. Anyways, stay-tuned and I will continue to update my website here with the step-by-step process that I’m going through.

Oh! And just an update on my blog I added a “gallery” section and shifted around my navigation! Yay! I think I finally have a great set of navigation links at the top!!!! So I feel pretty satisfied with the way my website is looking.

Have a great end of you week,



#22 - Start of Brain Storming for my Course!


#20 - Establishing a focus for my website: Psychological Flow