#31 - Million Dolllar Weekend Book Review
Hello Readers!
Welcome back to this week of my blog! I wanted to talk about an amazing video I came across and it was from the really famous Youtuber Ali Abdaal and he made a video called, “How to be Financially Free”. Here is the link below:
I thought it was an amazing video and I even spent a morning taking notes on it. In the video I took the following points from it:
-Making money is a skill and one has to read books to get educated in it.
-Utilizing one’s commute is an effective way to read audiobooks.
-If one doesn't go through Ali’s book list. Just consume the content, then one won't make it.
And those are the main things. So I went ahead and I started listening to the audio books. And I'm already on the second one!!!!
The one I finished was called The Million Dollar Weekend. And it was an extremely positive book on the art of starting now and getting the results somebody wants to achieve their entrepaneurial dreams.
That's just a screenshot. I'm making this post on my Pixel 8 Pro over Mother’s Day Breakfast so bear with me.
Anyways, watch the video that I will post later on today to see and hear more about my week.
Happy Moth
er's Day!