#34 - Review of the Audiobook The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Demarco.

Hello Readers!

This week I’m taking a look at an audio book that I just finished. I listened to this book on the commute to and from work in the mornings. My commutes really aren’t too, too bad as they are only 20ish minutes. The book is named: The Millionaire Fastlane and it is by the author MJ Demarco.

I will say that this book does pose an ugly truth: that we are all living a lie about money. MJ makes a comparison to a road as there is: the fast lane, the slow lane, and the sidewalk. The slow lane is usually where most people reside as they try to make money in fields that have zero to no growth or possibility of making any more money. These are the typical 8 to 5 jobs that will never exceed the amount of money that everyone hears about on the media.

Some points I got from this book though are:

-The web is the place to be if you want to impact a lot of people and make a lot of money.

-There’s a formula discussed that was really good and it’s basically if you can sell something to a lot of people and people need this service. You will make a lot of money.

-Most financial advice is for slow lanes and don’t make any big money in life.

Those are really the main points. The book did ramp up toward the end as it was starting to drag a little bit at the beginning. I would honestly tell the author to just cut to the chase and scrap the first half of the book and get to the good stuff, because 9 hours is a lot of time. I did think it was a thought provoking book and it revealed the ugly truth that most of us, if we continue down the typical career paths or follow the typical advice, will never make a lot of money. 

Now comes the rating, If I were to rate this book, then I would give it a 5/10. Why? Well I have never done this type of rating system before and so I need more books to give it a better rating. Plus, 10/10 is a very uninformative score to give a book on the first go. 

Anway, thanks for chiming in! I feel like I add more of a review, but I’m so busy working on my book/course, that this is where I’m pouring all my energy. 

Have a great week!



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