#49 - Does the Seasons of the Year Affect Instruction?

Hello everyone!

This week I’m getting all cozied up for Halloween. We are going all out this year at my house and we are dressing up Harry Potter style. I am going to have my Ravenclaw robes on and my wife she bought some Hufflepuff robes off of Amazon. Not only that but we found some great recipes for Pumpkin Juice and Butterbeer, just like how they make it at Universal! It’s going to be awesome! I’m hoping also for some sort of delicious cookie to be served. I’m hungry while typing this. (Laughs out Loud). My newborn baby Clark is going to have a newborn Hedwig like swaddle on. It’s going to be awesome!

That day though we are going to be giving out candy, probably eating pizza, drinking butterbeer, drinking pumpkin juice, and just having a good time in general. It’s going to be fantastic! I really cannot wait for my first Halloween with my newborn baby this year! Usually this time of year though I like to play the Harry Potter Movies and watch them with my family. I also have a Nintendo Switch so it’s fun to play Hogwarts Legacy and see how the actual scenes from the movie in the game while walking around. 

So with all these fun events happening. There is also fun things happening in schools across the country. My question is: 

Does the Fall Season affect studying in  a positive way?

I feel like the seasons do. They say that people tend to get angrier in the Summer because their blood pressure is higher from the heat. And not only that, but during the fall, people are a lot more comfy in a cooler season that is easier to walk around. This opens up more opportunities to study in alternate locations. Not only that, but the flavors! I’m really loving the Pumpkin flavors this year. In the past, I’ve had some really nasty pumpkin flavors. Or I might have not have mixed these flavors correctly. But I’m definitely loving all the pumpkin dessert flavors and even the Pumpkin Flavors at Starbucks. Their latest is the Pumpkin Cream Chai. And it’s really, really awesome!

This all translates to my classrooms as well. I feel like my material is easier to teach because all my students are in a festive mood. Their excitement is brought to the classroom and they are able to bring their enthusiasm to all the projects that they create. It all snowballs from here. 

Anyways, that is all I have to say this week. Have a wonderful almost Halloween today. And I will be posting probably a little bit later next week after Halloween. 

Happy Halloween!



#50 - Happy Halloween!


#48 - Incorporating Video into Lessons?