My Word for the Year - 2024
Something that we had to do at work recently was a “Word of the Year” activity. I overheard a rumor that this was circulating on different social media pages and what not. I really liked the idea because it gives someone a simple idea to devote themselves to. For me and on that activity in my department, I used the word “Connection”. Well why? In my working job as an instructor I want to make new connections this year. I want to try out new curriculum, experiment with new teaching methods, connect with my students, get to know my Coworkers more, and overall gain new connections that I haven’t had.
Now this is definitely in contrast with my previous word which is: “consistency”. Of course, I will be consistent in doing all this, organized, and I will be following a path set for myself. At the same time though I will want to keep an open mind, be creative, and always in the thought process. That’s the thing about me as an individual, I always enjoy new ideas and rich experiences that I haven’t had before. For example, this last weekend my wife and I made Pumpkin Juice inspired from the Universal Studios Theme Park at Hogwarts. It came out exactly like! So now we are figuring out that maybe during each season we can have a nice seasonal drink to have during that duration. Perhaps…
“Fall - Pumpkin Juice
Spring - Lemonade
Winter - Hot Chocolate
Summer - Watermelon Juice
Terrific idea right? At least I though so. Anyways, back to the main topic. Maybe instead of the word “connection” this year, my word is “exploration” because in order to learn and try new things you have to be in a sense an explorer.
So for 2024 my word is: Exploration
And for all of you reading out there. I hope you enjoy reading what is the start of my blog this year and all the ideas/activities/products I will release in the future. Next week, I will continue updating my blog and will update the contact page. Oh and I finally added some artwork that I made on my Pixel Tablet! Yes! I was going to start adding pictures from my notes/drawings, but doing it digitally might have a nicer appeal to audiences.
-Calvin Irby