The Value of Consistency, plus update on the color scheme.

Hello World!

I have made the color scheme more consistent. Consistent is such a powerful world isn’t it? I think ultimately it is something we all need or want in our lives. This post just now got me thinking about how the fact that by just being consistent one can start getting results.

I think as a bottom line people need to be consistent as a baseline for whatever part of life they are focusing on. Want to get into shape? Well is your environment consistent? That’s an interesting question. One often thinks about all these minute details when working out and one hasn’t even to think about their environment.

Since it’s the beginning of the year and people always do this starting-and then giving up in one month procedure for exercise, I want to comment that sometimes just the act of showing up is more powerful than anything else. That is why I have decided to show up to this blog! Week-by-week on Sundays! For a reason! Why? Because life changes. People get tired, more commitments get in the way, and so I think on average most bloggers/writers are successful by just doing the act in just one week. Now this is in the realm of blogging. Being a professional writer is a completely different avenue and I’m sure takes a lot of time. However, I think by being consistent and surviving the times when most people give up and fail, then that is when you know that you are doing something right!!!

Sometimes it is just about survival and so by picking the right environment is a good one, again, with working out. Do you know where I work out? At my house on the ground. That’s all I need. I don’t need gyms, or gym memberships, or commutes, or equipment, or anything superfluous. If I wanna work out then I can do it anywhere. And do you know the exercise that I have been doing this year and that I will continue to do next year? Walking. That’s right. I walk and I stretch everyday. Is it glamorous? No, well that’s not the point. The point is to establish a routine and pick sustainable activities. Walking is a universal exercise, everyone can do it, and this is even something that people can grow older and still do. (Swimming is a great exercise as well, but remember what I said about a consistent environment). So by just showing up and walking everyday I am proving that anybody, anywhere, can workout and be fit. All you need is a floor, your body, and at least ten minutes. I actually work out for 15 minutes per day. And I will still be doing it next year consistently.

In regards to my website, I’ve established a really nice consistent porcelain like color across all pages. I’m slowly inching step-by-step to a completed website and soon I would like these posts to be about my project development and what I am working on. I have been writing everyday and prepping for several courses/books that I want to provide here, except again, everything has to be done step-by-step and there’s no sense in getting ahead of yourself.

Anyways, see you next week!



My Word for the Year - 2024


I updated my About page!