#39 - Simplest Baby Book Review
Hello Readers!
I wanted to do a quick review of the book that my wife and I read before she gave birth to my baby boy Calvin Clark Irby!
This book was a delight to read and so I hope some of the things that I have to say about it spark interest and give you guys a better picture of what it has to offer.
The book Simplest Baby Book by Stephen Gross is a well condensed, no fluff book on everything you need to know about taking care of your child. It excels over other books, because well it’s simple. The text is straight to the points, there's a lot of pictures, diagrams, and checklists. Plus, there’s tips along the way to help you with hacks, recommended products, and even an accompanying website to find more information.
The way that we approached reading the whole book was that: I wanted to go through the book at least once reading it. That way, we have a feel for where some of the information is. Whether you read it completely or not, it’s still super useful and one could just go to the Table of Contents or Index to find information of interest.
My three favorite parts of the book were:
It’s straight to the point. This one is a given. Parents more than anyone have barely any time or energy to read long passages of text. Authors in this subject need to respect parent’s/individuals time and get straight to the point. This book did a good job of this.
It has lot of graphics which help with understanding. I like books with pictures and I’m not sure why more books haven’t adopted this practice. But when there is more visual information then that makes reading the text a lot more fluid and simpler for the reader. It also had a really consistent art design and I liked all the graphics that it contained.
It’s well researched. It’s by people who first off have hands on experience with their own kids, but everything is well documented and researched. It also has lots of common safety information so that parents know what to do with their child once that point in their life happens.
Well and that’s it! If you are interested in getting a copy yourself, because you know of someone who is going to have a child or is thinking of having a child. This is honestly the best book that you can buy. I bought a lot of books when my wife was pregnant, but since all the other ones were just traditional texts, I ended up sticking to this one and reading it all the way through, because it seemed the most organized and user friendly.
You can look it up on the internet through your favorite book seller:
The Simplest Baby Book in the World: The Illustrated, Grab-and-Do Guide for a Healthy, Happy Baby Kindle Edition
by S.M. Gross (Author), Jeremy F. Shapiro (Contributor), Gabriella Terhes Karlsson (Contributor)
Have a great Sunday!