#64 - Part 2 Friendship

Hello Readers,

Today I am talking about Friendship and in regards to learning. This topic is inspired by my interest in the game Ocarina of Time and how each of the Temples has an overarching theme in it. In this case the Fire Temple in the game features or heavily talks about Brotherhood, which I have watered down to “friendship”. I think friendship is something that is universal to human life and so here I am talking about it. 

Why is friendship and or friends important? I think from a learning and studying perspective it makes the process more interesting and a lot less torturesome. When you have friends and everyone is studying for an exam together it can be fun to get together, exchange resources, exchange notes, go to coffee shops, go to study rooms, and just socialize and have a good time. 

I always think of Dark Academia and the whole universe of Harry Potter as well when I think about a cozy study section. It can be fun to have great cups of coffee and be surrounded by friends all trying to make a good grade on the next exam. It’s a mix between socializing and an academic environment. I think this also brings forth a good point which is for what students should look out for when selecting a college and what schools to go to. 

Colleges and schools often advertise football teams, nice facilities, and this and that. However, the real thing students should closely look at and make sure are good are:

-The Library.

-The Cafeteria.

Those two things are the most important whenever it comes to selecting a good place to go to college and/or study. And if the campus has lots of coffee shops even better. All to further increase the student experience and make the environment a lot better for studying for students. So in turn, it’s all about values and what students are wanting out of college, but I think in general, schools need to prioritize making the study experience as cozy and as pleasurable as possible. That way, they can all get together with their friends and enjoy the experience together. 

Perhaps this is why the Harry Potter series is such a powerful universe and series? The fact that Harry always is surrounded by his friends in a wonderful school is maybe something that we all instinctively crave growing up? Call it Ivy League or call it Dark Academia. Call it whatever you want. But I think this is a really cool concept and I love to have an environment in which people can get together and study with one another. Well that’s all I got.

Have a great weekend!



#65 - A Pokemon Story


#63 - Publishing my Ergonomics Course "Efficient Work"