~Updated Slogan and deleted Shop Now Button~

Good Morning Readers!

I hope you all had a wonderful week and a restful weekend so far. I’ve been busy with minor tasks today, but I wanted to update you all on my website and some changes I had made. Most of these changes I think about while driving and I try to give my ideas a week to sink into my mind.

The next change I made to my blog was change my slogan. I do eventually want to sell courses, except at this time, I am not selling any. So to take a more neutral approach, I am just settling with “ideas to learn, work, and grow” instead of “courses to learn, work, and grow”. I hope my blog will speak for itself and allows others to explore and eventually find my works.

Another change I made was deleting the humongous “SHOP NOW” button in the middle of the page. It wasn’t rendering right in mobile, so I’m just avoid the problem in a Kobayashi Meru style. If you don’t know what Kobayashi Meru is (laughs out loud) go check out Star Trek or read it on wikipedia.

Anyways, I think my next step is going to try to add some color and better looks to my primary image on the website. I want it to blend in with the background of the website and have objects representing my website. Of course I will update this every year with a drawing or a painting. But maybe I will just leave it up there for first year’s sake?



Lessons from moving


Next Goal for my Site