#37 - Course Writing my First Lesson and Reflections!

Hello Readers,

And welcome back to another week in the summer! I’ve really enjoyed myself this week, doing my self assigned homework as my wife says (laughs out loud). But no really, it’s been a pleasure writing out the draft for my new course that I have envisioned. After working on an outline for several months and testing out several prototypes for the filming and eBook, I’ve decided to roll up my sleeves and get my hands dirty. And what I mean is to do the hard work the writing!!!!

I bought a humongous Giant Notebook. Just go on Amazon and search “Giant Notebook” and it’s a 600 page monstrosity. But also so awesome! It has an amazing Table of Contents template on the first 10 pages so one can fit about 100 items and their corresponding pages. Which is great! So I’ve just parked it on my huge Dining Room Table, put on some Jazz music on Youtube, and gotten to work! It’s been really nice and I enjoy this process!

After this week, my first lesson’s draft has finally been done and now I’m just collecting a “bag of tricks” for activities to put into my lessons and my course. So this just requires me to write everything down and process everything as I read it. Speaking of reading, I read a 40 page research paper and it was really eye opening! I got a lot as I read the whole paper while highlighting/circling, jotting down notes of my favorite parts, and then putting some of my own ideas of what I learned into my writing. It’s a lot of work, but again, I’m shooting for a very high quality course! Yes, this is going to be a very, very high quality course and the bar is very, very high. So I must make sure that all the content is fantastic. Anyways, that’s all I have got for this week. 

Have a great summer,



#38 - I’m a father!


#36 - Summer Writing Reflections