#17 Adding a Projects Tab

#16 - Adding an Project Tab

Hello Readers!,

Today I added a Projects Tab! Originally I was aiming for it to be a place where I could put my artwork and have ideas here, but instead I was thinking that maybe it would be better If I just put a place for all my projects here. And I have a lot of really good ideas for projects that I want to accomplish.

Right now my schedule is like so for this year:

Monday - Friday:

-Wake up at 5 AM





Saturday - Sunday: Off

Sunday: Post a blog post

This seems to be the most reasonable schedule. Especially since, *drumroll, my wife and I are having a baby! So I feel like during the week when I have work I can squeeze in a lot of self-cultivation, but during the weekend. That’s when things will get crazy and I am just going to want to just relax and not do any work. 

I feel like also people DO have enough time to get their long-term projects done. Of course, they’re not willing to allocate or block out a certain amount of time in order to get things done. Yes, my approach will be more sustainable, but it’s also a lot of slower, because I have to balance out all the areas of my life with one another. In terms of my morning ritual, I decided to take out meditation, because I feel like writing could be a meditative activity and that I could also possible conduct artwork on things that I wanna meditate on.

So many people set goals, except they don’t set them in a long term fashion. Yes, I understand that sometimes it takes huge sprints to make big impressions and create new big waves of readership. But the steady way can also get big projects done and so that’s what I want here.

Another thing about blogging I observe is that people are not authentic and so they don’t believe in the project that they are doing. They are just fooling themselves and trying whatever they can just to get people to like whatever they are doing or just making everything they have clickbait. Of course, I understand how the internet works, if people’s emotions are moved by your thumbnail, then they aren’t going to click on it. It is just the way the internet works including Youtube. But of course, one also has to believe in what they are doing. 

My website is about learning projects and getting the most out of the learning experience. So I want to both showcase the stuff that I have done, but also educate others to achieve their goals with projects that will enable them to do so. I take a different approach as I want my website to look more elegant and have more character than some of the other ones, and I also want to be genuine and show that I am doing all this work myself. Along the way, creating my own artwork is important and so I am slowly reading “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain”. Eventually I want to move onto Water Color Works and start producing some there. That way, I can have some nice graphics to show on my website, along with, the concepts that I am teaching.

Anyways, that’s where my website is heading and I want to be consistent this year! It’s taken me about a month to iron out my daily schedule, but that is it. And I think it will work out well, for me and my family.

Have a great Sunday!



#18 - Copyright symbol added and the structure for my journal posts


#16 - Adding a Courses Tab!