#18 - Copyright symbol added and the structure for my journal posts

Hello Readers,

    Well I have finally added a Copyright symbol to my website and now I have all I have to do next is add a comments section to my blog next week. That will be good since I will be able to get feedback on my blog as time goes on.

    One thing I wanted to outline and set up for myself is the structure for how I will write my posts. One thing is that I want my posts to have a sort of synergy, meaning, they could be read in any order and stand on their own. Usually, I will want to introduce a concept, usually by drawing it, then I want to tell introduce it by telling a story (explanation), next I will want a step-by-step tutorial or some sort of walk through of how to reach a concept or how to perform the activity that I am discussing. Lastly, I always want to exit with a set of exercises that the readers can do to explore the concept or to try it out for themselves or a project that they can do. Lastly, in my blog posts I will upload scans of my journal/artwork. If there is any projects that my students have done then I can showcase them here as well.

   This website is a product of all my creative work and I want to help people find projects to help accelerate their learning/work/personal goals. It’s by projects that I know that people first off make big strides and have something to show for it. It’s by finding meaningful projects in life that I think that people can figure out what they want to do and how to proceed in a particular area of life. 

    Except, not all projects are created equally and not all circumstances are created equally. I want to find those special projects that are practical and that just about any average person can do. Sometimes people know what they want to do or what kind of goal they want to achieve. The difficult challenge is finding a meaningful project that will accelerate someone towards this goal and to actually pursue this project on a practical daily level.

    So just to recap, the structure for my blog is:

-Ideography of Blog (Concept) *I will have all of them in my index.

-Explanation of the concept (With illustrations)

-Walkthrough/tutorial (if needed)

-Practice Part (Exercises and Project info)

-Sources (Citations/Scans/etc)

Anyways, I wish everyone a great week. I will continue working everyday with my morning ritual and try to generate content for future posts. 



#19 - Revamped the Homepage and started on my first course


#17 Adding a Projects Tab