#53 - Anniversary of 5 Years!

Hello Everyone!

Today is my anniversary with my wife Silvya. We’ve been married for 5 years! On this joyous occasion, we decided that we are going to be opening gifts today and going to have a Pizza from Pizza Hut. Usually Domino’s Pizza is our go to, and I really enjoy the application. Using Pizza Apps reminds me of that one hacking movie involving Sandra Bullock called, “The Net”. In which she has a prototype of a futuristic pizza application that she uses. Later on, we will probably go out to eat at a nearby restaurant and continue celebrating. 

On the website side of things, I’ve been slowly creating content for my first course, and I’m almost done. I’ve finished lessons 6/7 of my first week long course that I want to release. It’s going to be part of a bigger framework, that way, I really don’t run out of stuff to do. It’s funny, the project seems large and ambitious, especially with all the projects (including Yearbook) that I am doing. Yet, If I keep chipping away at it day-by-day, eventually you end up conquering anything and everything. It just takes time. 

Working on the yearbook, has really help me reignite my artistic creativity that I have and always had. Ever since I was a kid, I was always drawings and always creating. So it’s fun to take such a fun topic such as video games and make awesome artwork that I can share with the students at my school and anyone else that is reading the yearbook. 

Anyways, that’s all I have. I’m not sure when I’m going to post this. But I will try my best to post it in between all the busyness of the day. 



#54 - One Year Anniversary of my Website!


#52 - Artistic and Learning Integrity