#54 - One Year Anniversary of my Website!
Today I wanted to bring up that this is the first year anniversary of my website/online business!
Alot has happened in one year and it has taken me time to work on the individual components and get to the point where I am publishing lessons and hopefully courses to this website
All with th intent of helping students around the world study better for their life.
It’s an ambitious challenge, but I don't think enough has been said about studying or learning in general. And people are just beginning to realize the importance of this topic. I hope to bring my own spin to the topic and also my own creativity to help people learn about studying and make themselves better students.
Just to recap, this is what has happened this last year on my website:
-Started my first website!
-Designed all the website elements.
-Starter blogging as a means to spread ideas and it being a public journal as an instructor.
-Published my first 6 Lesson PDF’s with complete artwork!
-Almost to the point of publishing my first week long course.
-Maintaining a slow but consistent yearly writing habit for the website.
-Found my art style, I really debated this, because I didn't know whether I wanted to do traditional or digital. Working on the school yearbook, convinced me that Pixel Art was the best style for me! So that’s what I am going to try out for my next lesson I am making.
Well that is all! I hope you have enjoyed my website in it’s first year. And I want to continue to grow this business/website for many years to