#58 - Ouch! My hands hurt from typing! And why Ergonomics is important.

Ergonomics. It’s a funny word right? Not one that you encounter in everyday life. However, this word has a lot of power over how we work, how productive we are, and whether we will get injured while doing deep studying for hours and hours. 

Ergonomics is the study of systems and making these systems more healthy and suitable for humans. 

Think your office chair for a minute. Everyone has one correct? Why don’t you take a look at yours. 

You maybe thinking: well there’s nothing wrong with it? But I can guarantee after several hours of work some of the main issues can start to sink in. Some office chairs have their seats that are stitched up with lines. Just these little lines can apply pressure while you are sitting and make you feel uncomfortable. Others can be too stiff for actual deep studying. 

The list goes on and on. Luckily though. We can all sit down and reevaluate ourselves and how we do work. This takes time, reflection, and self-evaluation. Except it is all doable! We all have the power to make our environments not just suitable for us, but for a range of people. 

And that’s what my next work, “The Efficient Studier”, is all about. We will be taking a deep dive into what makes an environment truly tick and how we can make it more comfortable. All of this translates into benefits for you. Just by taking the time to invest in yourself and the environments that you care about can make you:

-More productive in work and school.

-More time efficient in every task that you do. 

-More healthy working and studying. 

-More able to accomplish more with less effort.

I’ll be working on this new work in the background, while still updating my website the next few weeks. 

Anyways, stay tuned and Happy Holidays! 



#59 - Creating a New Standard for my Website


#57 - Next Topic, Ergonomics!