Holidays 2023 - Cleaning up the Shopping Page
Hello Readers!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season! This week I have been keeping up with work (final exams for students) and also been working on my new home. So it’s been a busy time indeed. Like every week, I always try to show up and perform at least one improvement for my online business.
It’s funny though how people perceive improvement, a lot of bloggers have come and go over the years and there are still some that are still trucking of course. The biggest issue I see is that of: consistency. Finding the right consistent schedule is difficult especially if an individual doesn’t have a daily routine or gets up early. This helps eliminate distractions and assist in one towards stepping towards a major goal.
What is the major goal of this website? Well that’s a great question that you asked. The whole point of this website is for me to sell courses on Learning for a living. Of course, this is going to take time because I cannot just immediate transition from one thing (Teaching Technology Courses) to this so smoothly. It’s going to take time and perseverance. Plus, many other pieces have to be in place in order for me to start selling products in the first. First off, I have to make sure my website is complete and presentable. Second, I have to have content on the website to sell. Third, my site needs to get traffic and that is only through constantly posting and constantly providing content online.
All of this takes time. So the only way to get there is to take the “long distance runners” approach. I mean think about it. People highly underestimate the power of just showing up once each week, each over the course of a decade you will absolutely make progress! I’m glad I have finally have the correct circumstances in life to finally create this website and I am super grateful for everything I have and that is going on in life. Now that my life is in a more settled state, I want to continue to create more works and provide them online. One idea of mine is to just use the journal for the process and just sell the finish products on the landing page. I think that’s a great idea, because that way readers can see my thought process and how I write. It would be almost like a running over-time portfolio of me creating content and publishing it online. I think that would be great! Plus, it would manageable too! That way, I don’t get overwhelmed and I can finally flesh out specific steps of my projects. So that is my plan for now.
Oh, and this week I forgot to mention, I took out all the template content from my shopping page. In it’s place I put the “Coming Soon” text to replace it. Once I have some courses up there it should look really nice.
Anyways, Happy Holidays and I wish you all a great end of 2023 and a great start to 2024,
Oh and I forgot to mention here is my todo list so far for this website:
Delete everything off of the shop page.
Update my About page with my photo and summary.
Make the color more consistent across the entire site
Update your contact page and have it work.
Copyright your website
Start making my first course…