This week’s improvement: Coming Soon Signage
Hello Readers,
It’s been an interesting week, as I have spent a lot of time getting stuff together in my home and of course, prepping my writing area so that I can work on projects and produce more for this blog. One of the things I constructed was the (drumroll please) writing table! I finally got a new really nice writing table for me to sit on and conduct my work. It also looks fantastic with my HP Chromebase on in one monitor. If you don’t have one, then I highly recommend it!
Anyways, this week I am revising the signage at the bottom of my website and getting rid of the soap product images. Please note, that I am not a soap salesman. So please don’t get confused by the website template’s previous information/images (laughs out loud). I have also created a todo list for my website, so hopefully in a couple of weeks I can knock it out and have this website in a good state for me to start publishing content on learning, make blog posts about my current projects, and more! Again, It’s always an enjoyment writing and I’m excited to finally take the steps needed to begin the process of this online business of creating learning products for people of all ages!
Happy Holidays and see you next week,
-Calvin Irby